
P Stands for Paddy (Lament for Johnny) — текст песни


As I went out on a bright morning

To take a pleasant walk

I sat down beside an old stone wall

Just to hear two lovers talk

For to hear two lovers talk, my love

To hear what thay might say

So I might learn a little more, love

Before I go away

P stands for Paddy, I suppose

J for my love John

W stands for false William O

But Johnny is the fairest man

«Johnny is the fairest man,» she said

«Johnny is the fairest man

I don’t care what anybody says

For Johnny is the fairest man.»

Well come on sit beside me, love

Beside me on the green

It’s a long three quarters of a year or more

Since together we have been

Since together we have been, my dear

Together we have been

It’s a long three quarters of a year or more

Since together we have been

Oh I’ll not sit beside you, love

Now or any other time

For I hear you love another little lass

And your heart’s no longer mine

«And your heart’s no longer mine» she said

«Your heart’s no longer mine

I don’t cara what anybody says

Your heart’s no longer mine.»

So I will climb a high, high tree

And rob the wild Bird’s nest

Back I’ll bring what I find there

To the girl I love the best

«To the girl I love the best,» he said

«The girl I love best

Back I’ll bring what I find there

To the girl I love the best.»

Фото песни P Stands for Paddy (Lament for Johnny)


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